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Locality: Honolulu, Hawaii

Phone: +1 808-544-0200

Address: 500 Ala Moana Blvd. 96813 Honolulu, HI, US

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HPU TESOL 20.12.2021

On Friday February 26 we will have a 2-part AL Talk: The first part is a university-wide event on Pidgin (3:00-4:00) and the second part is mainly for TESOL students on career readiness (4:00-4:30).

HPU TESOL 12.12.2021

Congratulations to our MA TESOL students who presented successfully at Hawaii TESOL this past Saturday, Feb 13: Jinglao Huang, Shiho Fujii, Talia Romeo, Lydia Lee, Sasha Simmonds, and Jesslyn Wheeler. We're proud of you!

HPU TESOL 10.12.2021

On Monday, March 29th, The College of Liberal Arts will be continuing its symposium series examining current events with a discussion of Conspiracy Theories. A panel of students and faculty will be discussing how to understand and decode conspiracy theories through the lenses of liberal arts disciplines. Presenters include: Anna Herod: MATESOL candidateLinguistic patterns of conspiracy theory discourse... Andy Dewald: Assistant Professor of PsychologyHuman susceptibility to false beliefs from a signal detection theory perspective Quest Kennelly: Assistant Professor of CommunicationThe visual language of the QAnon conspiracy Margo Kitts: Professor of East-West HumanitiesMasculinism, Nationalism and Conspiracies For the meeting link, email Dr. Hanh Nguyen

HPU TESOL 06.12.2021

Welcome back! We hope you had a restful Spring Break. Please join us for the AL Talk this Friday, March 19 3:00-4:30pm HST, featuring a guest speaker from Brigham Young University - Hawaii, Professor Steven Carter on a topic that bridges theory and practice. Please see the flyer for more details.